10 Qualities of a Good Bartender

What Makes a Good Bartender A bartender is more than just someone who pours drinks; they play a vital role in creating a hospitable and enjoyable customer experience. At Riverside Bartending School, we make it a point to help our students develop the most important qualities necessary to be a good bartender. We believe this […]
Get A Bartender Job

Get a Job as a Bartender | Our Record Is Unsurpassed! Immediately upon Graduation! NOT JUST JOB LEADS, BUT JOBS!!! Every graduate is offered a bartending job the day they graduate, and all of our graduates are working within a few days of completing the bartender training we provide. Our 100-hour curriculum has several Bartending Courses combined. Our […]
Prepared Bartenders Earn More Money

Professional Bartenders Are In Demand Prepared bartenders are in demand. All professional bartenders prepare for the rush of customers and are ready to perform as high-volume bartenders. A willing and able bartender can sell 50 to 100% more than a bartender who lacks preparation. Because of this, once you graduate from Riverside Bartending School, you […]