Johnnie Walker Black Label, John Walker & Sons
Johnnie Walker Black Label is a benchmark by which all other whisky blends are measured. It is rich, complex, and incredibly well-balanced, full of dark fruits, sweet vanilla, and signature smokiness.
Blended exclusively from whiskies matured for at least 12 years, it brings together flavors from the four corners of Scotland to create an experience that is complex, deep, and rewarding.
This delicious scotch whisky rolls decadently over the tongue, releasing intense sweet vanillas that give way to orange zest and aromas of spice and raisins. The finish is unbelievably smooth and layered with rich smoke, peat, and malt.
Enjoy Johnnie Walker Black Label in any way you like – on its own, with a dash of water, or in your favorite cocktail. We recommend the use of Black Label when mixing an Old Fashioned.
The Black Label Old Fashioned is a cocktail made by muddling sugar with bitters, then adding Johnnie Walker Black Label and a twist of citrus rind. It is traditionally served in a short, round, tumbler-like glass, which is called an Old Fashioned glass, named after the drink.
The Old Fashioned, developed during the 19th century and given its name in the 1880s, is an IBA Official Cocktail. It is also one of six basic drinks listed in David A. Embury’s The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks.
When you mix this cocktail, you and your guests will undoubtedly enjoy a great beverage—interested in learning how to create more drinks? Find more top-shelf drink recipes.
Black Label Old Fashioned Ingredients
Special Tools
The Art of Bartending Comes Into Play Here
Enjoy the rich taste of Johnnie Walker® Black Label Whisky stirred down with sugar and Angostura bitters for a classic cocktail with a smoky edge.
We will provide you with one-on-one bartending training to teach you how to mix 200 of the most popular cocktails. With this knowledge and your new high volume bartending skills you will be ready for a job as a bartender.
We are the top bartending school in Southern California’s Inland Empire. You should check out our bartending school requirements and contact us today for more information.
Established in 1982, we are Riverside’s oldest and most successful bartending school. We have one-on-one training, allowing students to learn at their own pace. Our students learn high-volume bartending skills, and upon graduation, they are ready to serve as professional bartenders.
Come, Visit Us!
We have been in the same location since 1982, behind Jim's Market in the Lincoln Square shopping center. Our address is 12702 Magnolia Ave #3, Riverside, CA, 92503.