Currently, Riverside Bartending School is the closest bartending school to Redlands. Additionally, there is not a bartending school in Redlands that meets Riverside’s stringent training criteria.
Riverside Bartending School places graduates in Redlands. More than any bartending school in the Inland Empire.
When speaking with a bartending school, ask about job placement. Riverside Bartending School is number one in Job Placement in the Inland Empire.
At the Bartending School in Riverside, we have a Nationwide Job Placement program. Moreover, it spans California and the whole United States, and we are national.
The owner of the school conducts Job Placement with every single student.
Our school has been open for over three decades, and we have many more connections in the industry than any other school in Southern California.
Established in 1982, we are Riverside’s oldest and most successful bartending school. We have one-on-one training, allowing students to learn at their own pace. Our students learn high-volume bartending skills, and upon graduation, they are ready to serve as professional bartenders.
Come, Visit Us!
We have been in the same location since 1982, behind Jim's Market in the Lincoln Square shopping center. Our address is 12702 Magnolia Ave #3, Riverside, CA, 92503.